Brand identity is actually a challenging factor to get an entry to customers mind about the uniqueness of a company’s products and services. This challenge may sometimes because of the proliferation of new brands or by lack of conveying the exact message of what a brand stands for.
There are three simple steps for building a brand.
- Choose a unique brand name
- Develop a slogan
- Design a logo or symbol.
Choose a unique brand name
The brand name should be short, memorable, comfortable, uncomplicated and should be no more than one to three words. A new, creative and unique brand name makes the company easier to find, protect your brand and also makes easier to search via search engines for the required customers.
Develop a slogan
Slogan makes your brand easy to recall. A good company slogan ensures your product as a reliable one. Slogan is not just a company’s tag line, but simply plays with customer’s mind-set. Actually slogan works slowly, but its effect is long lasting. Nokia’s slogan- “Connecting People” is a good example for a good slogan.
Design a logo or symbol
Logo is a crucial thing to communicate with target audience, which is an inevitable thing for a good company. Logo may be sometimes companies name or initials that printed in a special style or it may be a symbol. With a unique, eye catching, understandable and effective logo, we can enhance a small scale company in market place economically.